here's the thing, anyone who knows me at all knows that some time ago i fell in love with "bad words". i have never seen the difference between saying the "s" word and any other word. this is because i feel that bad words are really the mean things we say to others and ourselves. honest to goodness, this belief was not formed to excuse how i this cuss words are funny. i do. i own that. i know, i'm immature. i think poop is one of the best words ever. (that's not the point. haha) the point is, i am like a child and i think immature things are funny sometimes.
until recently i have had little or no conviction that actually came from the Lord and not a person about using these cuss words (mostly for humor). i have often been told by the Lord that i say things i shouldn't but nothing about the bad words. maybe He was telling me the whole time and i wouldn't listen. i don't know. i'm just talking about what is going on now. i have no plans to push my conviction on anyone else. i'm pretty sure i'm still gonna think its funny when others say those words. i am also unsure of how permanent this is (as far as cuss words go).
i know it will be a bit difficult for me. its not such a habit i cuss all the time, but around my friends this stuff just slips out. i think mostly, this lesson is pretty much for my speech as a whole not just bad words. i am writing this to hopefully be transparent and for accountability. my prayer is for the Lord to purify my heart making the overflow one that is good like Him that speaks love and helps others. so, there it is. i hope that some of it made sense.
-psalm 12:6 the words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times. (seven times...man, i'm in trouble. haha)
i also read this today in my utmost for His highest and liked it and thought i'd share it with anyone that wants it.
"Without faith it is impossible to please Him." Hebrews 11:6
Faith in antagonism to common sense is fanaticism, and common sense in antagonism to faith is rationalism. The life of faith brings the two into a right relation. Common sense is not faith, and faith is not common sense; they stand in the relation of the natural and the spiritual; of impulse and inspiration. Nothing Jesus Christ ever said is common sense, it is revelation sense, and it reaches the shores where common sense fails. Faith must be tried before the reality of faith is actual. "We know that all things work together for good," then no matter what happens, the alchemy of God's providence transfigures the ideal faith into actual reality. Faith always works on the personal line, the whole purpose of God being to see that the ideal faith is made real in His children.
For every detail of the common-sense life, there is a revelation fact of God whereby we can prove in practical experience what we believe God to be. Faith is a tremendously active principle which always puts Jesus Christ first - Lord, Thou hast said so and so (e.g., Matthew 6:33), it looks mad, but I am going to venture on Thy word. To turn head faith into a personal possession is a fight always, not sometimes. God brings us into circumstances in order to educate our faith, because the nature of faith is to make its object real. Until we know Jesus, God is a mere abstraction, we can not have faith in Him; but immediately we hear Jesus say - "He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father," we have something that is real, and faith is boundless. Faith is the whole man rightly related to God by the power of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. -oswald chambers
that's it. i love you all.
until recently i have had little or no conviction that actually came from the Lord and not a person about using these cuss words (mostly for humor). i have often been told by the Lord that i say things i shouldn't but nothing about the bad words. maybe He was telling me the whole time and i wouldn't listen. i don't know. i'm just talking about what is going on now. i have no plans to push my conviction on anyone else. i'm pretty sure i'm still gonna think its funny when others say those words. i am also unsure of how permanent this is (as far as cuss words go).
i know it will be a bit difficult for me. its not such a habit i cuss all the time, but around my friends this stuff just slips out. i think mostly, this lesson is pretty much for my speech as a whole not just bad words. i am writing this to hopefully be transparent and for accountability. my prayer is for the Lord to purify my heart making the overflow one that is good like Him that speaks love and helps others. so, there it is. i hope that some of it made sense.
-psalm 12:6 the words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times. (seven times...man, i'm in trouble. haha)
i also read this today in my utmost for His highest and liked it and thought i'd share it with anyone that wants it.
"Without faith it is impossible to please Him." Hebrews 11:6
Faith in antagonism to common sense is fanaticism, and common sense in antagonism to faith is rationalism. The life of faith brings the two into a right relation. Common sense is not faith, and faith is not common sense; they stand in the relation of the natural and the spiritual; of impulse and inspiration. Nothing Jesus Christ ever said is common sense, it is revelation sense, and it reaches the shores where common sense fails. Faith must be tried before the reality of faith is actual. "We know that all things work together for good," then no matter what happens, the alchemy of God's providence transfigures the ideal faith into actual reality. Faith always works on the personal line, the whole purpose of God being to see that the ideal faith is made real in His children.
For every detail of the common-sense life, there is a revelation fact of God whereby we can prove in practical experience what we believe God to be. Faith is a tremendously active principle which always puts Jesus Christ first - Lord, Thou hast said so and so (e.g., Matthew 6:33), it looks mad, but I am going to venture on Thy word. To turn head faith into a personal possession is a fight always, not sometimes. God brings us into circumstances in order to educate our faith, because the nature of faith is to make its object real. Until we know Jesus, God is a mere abstraction, we can not have faith in Him; but immediately we hear Jesus say - "He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father," we have something that is real, and faith is boundless. Faith is the whole man rightly related to God by the power of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. -oswald chambers
that's it. i love you all.