Thursday, October 30, 2008

bad words

here's the thing, anyone who knows me at all knows that some time ago i fell in love with "bad words". i have never seen the difference between saying the "s" word and any other word. this is because i feel that bad words are really the mean things we say to others and ourselves. honest to goodness, this belief was not formed to excuse how i this cuss words are funny. i do. i own that. i know, i'm immature. i think poop is one of the best words ever. (that's not the point. haha) the point is, i am like a child and i think immature things are funny sometimes.

until recently i have had little or no conviction that actually came from the Lord and not a person about using these cuss words (mostly for humor). i have often been told by the Lord that i say things i shouldn't but nothing about the bad words. maybe He was telling me the whole time and i wouldn't listen. i don't know. i'm just talking about what is going on now. i have no plans to push my conviction on anyone else. i'm pretty sure i'm still gonna think its funny when others say those words. i am also unsure of how permanent this is (as far as cuss words go).

i know it will be a bit difficult for me. its not such a habit i cuss all the time, but around my friends this stuff just slips out. i think mostly, this lesson is pretty much for my speech as a whole not just bad words. i am writing this to hopefully be transparent and for accountability. my prayer is for the Lord to purify my heart making the overflow one that is good like Him that speaks love and helps others. so, there it is. i hope that some of it made sense.

-psalm 12:6 the words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times. (seven, i'm in trouble. haha)

i also read this today in my utmost for His highest and liked it and thought i'd share it with anyone that wants it.
"Without faith it is impossible to please Him." Hebrews 11:6
Faith in antagonism to common sense is fanaticism, and common sense in antagonism to faith is rationalism. The life of faith brings the two into a right relation. Common sense is not faith, and faith is not common sense; they stand in the relation of the natural and the spiritual; of impulse and inspiration. Nothing Jesus Christ ever said is common sense, it is revelation sense, and it reaches the shores where common sense fails. Faith must be tried before the reality of faith is actual. "We know that all things work together for good," then no matter what happens, the alchemy of God's providence transfigures the ideal faith into actual reality. Faith always works on the personal line, the whole purpose of God being to see that the ideal faith is made real in His children.
For every detail of the common-sense life, there is a revelation fact of God whereby we can prove in practical experience what we believe God to be. Faith is a tremendously active principle which always puts Jesus Christ first - Lord, Thou hast said so and so (e.g., Matthew 6:33), it looks mad, but I am going to venture on Thy word. To turn head faith into a personal possession is a fight always, not sometimes. God brings us into circumstances in order to educate our faith, because the nature of faith is to make its object real. Until we know Jesus, God is a mere abstraction, we can not have faith in Him; but immediately we hear Jesus say - "He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father," we have something that is real, and faith is boundless. Faith is the whole man rightly related to God by the power of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. -oswald chambers

that's it. i love you all.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

i do love the weekends

it was a mellow laid back weekend. the pictures go from sunday to saturday. i meant to do it the other way around but no biggie. :) i didn't really do anything. i just waisted time with wonderful people. i woke up saturday and just hung around the house until little benny called and we went to be awesome together. shortly after we met up with the fellas (brendan and sam) and we went to some trift stores. i bought some sweet coffee mugs. i am pretty excited about using them. it was great to hang out with benny. i have been missin' that kid. :)

saturday night i had to work but the guys were also planing to have a fire on the porch. i thought the fergie gentlemen would like that so, i took them over. they had so much fun. they think sam is the coolest thing ever. boys and fire are fun to watch. some guys never seem to grow out of their love for playing with fire. i'm very grateful to be able to take the kids i watch places and to have such wonderful friends that are so good with them.

this sunday was one of the best sundays in a while. some people that hadn't been around in a while came to church and then everybody got to eat lunch together. you gotta love big happy family time. :) there were just a couple of people missing. it was the closest to everyone being there as it had been for probably months. i loved every minute of it. it was like christmas.

sam trying to ignore me.
these pictures are of big happy family sunday lunch...

tyler- he likes to party. :)

sweet judith and jake.
matt. janelle hates me. haha.

a very bright picture of ash-hole and fartina.
brendan and sweet baby katilyn. (why is it underlining all of the sudden?) these are my employers. ahaha. they came it late at night dressed like this and i almost crapped my pants. :)
little boys and fire.....well and sam. but he's just a big little boy.

i don't think brendan appreciated this picture as much as i brendan is one of my favorites....EVER!
my fake son benny. he's got the sweet moves. :)

there's my weekend. for the most part. i love you.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


this is bella. she is the one i was talking about in yesterday's blog. she is super rad.

these are the cupcakes we made.

so, today's blog is short and sweet. i don't feel like doing it today right now. i will tomorrow. as for now i need to try to sleep. until then....

Friday, October 24, 2008

a rainy day

florida is indeed the sunshine state. so, there aren't very many rainy days. i love rainy days. i really love to be able to take pictures on rainy days. i love the way an overcast sky makes colors and faces look.

yesterday was cloudy but it only rained once in the morning. today it has been at least drizzling all day. the cloudiness (and near death driving photography) is why i had to cheat on some of the pictures from yesterday plus i hate flash i don't use it unless i really have to. besides, i am cheating anyway when i use this video camera to take pictures so why not go all the way. :)
i like these power lines a lot. i know that's not so "green" and its a little on the "cool" side but whatever. i do what i want. haha. it makes me think of sheet music when the birds sit on them.

i cheated on this one a little extra to make the clouds look a more mysterious. :) its just fun to mess with pictures sometimes. i have really only used photo editing software a couple of times but i can see why people like it. i will probably use it a lot for this thing at least until i get a scanner for my film camera pictures.
its been a very mellow day. in part, due to the weather but mostly because i may have gotten 3 hours of sleep last night. i don't know what the deal was but it really sucked. i'm thankful that today i had bella. she is a fun and easy little girl. we had a laid back day with a trip to target, the art store, scooby doo, and making ones, of course. you've gotta love days like today...and getting paid for it. ;)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

life in fancy atlantic beach

well, i thought i would like to show my friends and family that don't live here around. mainly because i'm always curious what it looks like where some of you live so feel free to do this in your blog and i will check it out. some of this is just a day in my life... today. :) here we go... (i, of course, some how got these out of order. oh well.)

this is the porch. belonging to my very magical man friends. we spend an insane amount of time here doing pretty much nothing. its wonderful. :)

third street. this is me driving and taking pictures. not the safest idea, but i do what i want. haha.

this is coming over "the ditch".

the same. i just felt like living on the edge and taking pictures. :)

this is my calendar on the wall in my garage/studio. i am gonna do it BIGGER next month.

this is atlantic blvd.

this is the town center.

this is the starbucks right across the street from.....

THE STARBUCKS! surprise! :)

this is my living room. my friend eric made us that lovely coffee table out of cardboard. sucka wha!!!

new stove! deal with it! :)

this is the wall of the garage. one day we got bored and started drawing on the wall and haven't really stopped.

this is the back yard. i like it a lot.

the jungle tree.

this blurriness is the fergie boys. i worked today. it was a hard day.....nope. :) here they are again in a different color.
all three of them. being normal. weird.
then they saw me and the normal was over. that's when the pictures before this happened. (remember, out of order.)
(the picture at the top goes here)
this is what happens when katie hangs out with your kids all the time. i was not around when he drew this. that just shows how deep my influence goes. moooooooaahahhaaah!

tv face. this always makes me laugh.

the tough face. shake and bake!

more katie influence.

i didn't do this to him but hanging out with me sure didn't help. haha.

that is a very jumbled version of what i had in my head. i have no idea why it is so spaced out but i tried. i don't care enough to fix it right now. :) hopefully i will get better at this. the point is that this is some of my life. so, booyah! i love you babies.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

what i have been up to.

these are some pictures from the last week. i woke up one morning to the light shining in my window and making my shoes all sparkly. as if to say, "hey, katie get your lazy butt up and look at the pretty world you live in." and i did.
later, i remembered all these cameras that i have and how i love them. unfortunately i also remembered that polariod is going to stop making film for the cameras i love so much. whatever dude to that. its a good thing that i just like looking at some of these. jerks! :)
another recent thing is, i got a new stove. i have been pretty happy about this. i started baking the day i got it. the fellas are gonna get real fat at the rate i am bringing them stuff. i wrote "eat it or wear it" on the halloween cookies i gave them. those pearls came from my dear mother. she, like her father, is full of magical little sayings like that. :) my friends seem to appreciate them as well be confused by some of them.
last but not least, i am now katie joella lawson. for reals. :) well, not all the way... yet. but the process has begun. it was hard to choose. ultimately i went we joella because of my dad. his middle name is joe. joella means Jehovah is God in hebrew. i like that too. my friends and family kept me laughing for two days with their suggestions of middle names. it was a tough call but i think i will be happy with it. it will be so awesome and a little weird to never again have to feel the need to explain why i don't want someone to call me by my actual name. i can't wait for my new id and such. goodbye kathryn marie rice. happy birthday katie joella lawson!