yesterday was cloudy but it only rained once in the morning. today it has been at least drizzling all day. the cloudiness (and near death driving photography) is why i had to cheat on some of the pictures from yesterday plus i hate flash i don't use it unless i really have to. besides, i am cheating anyway when i use this video camera to take pictures so why not go all the way. :)

its been a very mellow day. in part, due to the weather but mostly because i may have gotten 3 hours of sleep last night. i don't know what the deal was but it really sucked. i'm thankful that today i had bella. she is a fun and easy little girl. we had a laid back day with a trip to target, the art store, scooby doo, and making ones, of course. you've gotta love days like today...and getting paid for it. ;)
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