these are some pictures from the last week. i woke up one morning to the light shining in my window and making my shoes all sparkly. as if to say, "hey, katie get your lazy butt up and look at the pretty world you live in." and i did.
later, i remembered all these cameras that i have and how i love them. unfortunately i also remembered that polariod is going to stop making film for the cameras i love so much. whatever dude to that. its a good thing that i just like looking at some of these. jerks! :)
another recent thing is, i got a new stove. i have been pretty happy about this. i started baking the day i got it. the fellas are gonna get real fat at the rate i am bringing them stuff. i wrote "eat it or wear it" on the halloween cookies i gave them. those pearls came from my dear mother. she, like her father, is full of magical little sayings like that. :) my friends seem to appreciate them as well be confused by some of them.
last but not least, i am now katie joella lawson. for reals. :) well, not all the way... yet. but the process has begun. it was hard to choose. ultimately i went we joella because of my dad. his middle name is joe. joella means Jehovah is God in hebrew. i like that too. my friends and family kept me laughing for two days with their suggestions of middle names. it was a tough call but i think i will be happy with it. it will be so awesome and a little weird to never again have to feel the need to explain why i don't want someone to call me by my actual name. i can't wait for my new id and such. goodbye kathryn marie rice. happy birthday katie joella lawson!
just a heads up, if we ever get to live near each other again, i will steal all of your cameras. and sparkly shoes.
probably the cookies to. for eating, not wearing. ;)
and i love your mama.
and your new name, completely. although i'm sad that i didn't get to recommend a few other ideas before the final decision. Annabelle came up with an amazing list when we were thinking of names for Ezra, among them "Treeleaf", "Slobbers", and my personal favorite, "Jesus Mexico".
Jesus Mexico Lawson. I think you could DEFINITELY pull that one off. ;) but Joella works too.
"probably the cookies toO". i know the difference between to, too, and two. just wanted to let you know that. i'm an english genius, yo.
Ohh I want some "eat it or wear it" Katie cookies! YUMMY! Congrats on the almost middle name, I can't imagine having to pick my own middle name I am so indecisive it would take me FOREVER to decide on something... case in point, Danny and I went thru a book of 44,000 names to come up with Caleb (SERIOUSLY)!! How sad are we??
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