so, sam wins. he has many ninja skills however, i was unaware that one of them was tire ninja. he changed that puppy like the wind. :) i'm pretty spoiled by my dear fellas. i just puke from love when i think about how great my friends are. having andera here makes me happy. she has no idea how thankful i am for her. she is one of the sweetest of babies. :) since she doesn't read this blog we can carry on our usual jerkness to each other. haha.
i've been slacking off with this blog more and more. its really annoying to put more than five pictures on here and then if i put them in the wrong order or accidentally erase one it is a huge pain. i end up spending a long friggin time to write a blog that should just take a few minutes. maybe i'm doing this wrong. feel free to educate me if you know. maybe i just need a different kind of blogger. i'm really out of the loop with this stuff.
that's all i have for now. sorry its not to interesting but i need to get to the work i've been putting off all day. crapballs! i love you guys. merry katie's birthday week to you.
i'm excited for your birthday week!
and your being alive and stuff.
Happy Birthday week Roosevelt! I wanted you to know that John gave me his full blessing to come. He's cool like that. I wish I could...
btw, wordpress is much easier to use than blogger and it doesn't take people to skanky porn sites if they hit the "next blog" button. just fyi.
oh, and after I posted my comment, the next word verification that popped up to leave another comment was "fackin" which made me laugh because it sounded like a word that you would make up :)
and the next one is "unitart". they just keep on!
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